CHRF is proud to be a partner of The World Health Organization in its a ten-year strategy on global genomic surveillance.
'The Global Genomic Surveillance strategy for pathogens with pandemic and epidemic potential 2022–2032 is not specific to a single pathogen or disease threat. It provides a high-level unifying framework to leverage existing capacities, address barriers and strengthen the use of genomic surveillance worldwide.'
'The COVID-19 pandemic has shown that health systems need genomic surveillance so that risks are rapidly detected and addressed. This technology has been critical in this response, from the identification of a novel coronavirus to the development of the first diagnostic tests and vaccines, the tracking and identification of new virus variants.'
'The complexities of genomics and the challenges of sustaining capacities in different settings, including workforce needs, mean that most countries cannot develop these capabilities on their own. The global strategy provides a unifying framework for action and outlines how the WHO looks forward to working with countries and partners in this important and highly dynamic field.'
Read more about the strategy here.