
Epidemiological Methods for Investigating Respiratory Diseases in Bangladesh (5-day Workshop)

Join our comprehensive 5-day workshop to gain essential skills for conducting epidemiological studies on respiratory diseases in Bangladesh. This program blends theoretical knowledge with practical experiences, including field visits to hospitals and rural communities, providing real-world insights and challenges.

Program Outline & Learning Objectives

Foundational Understanding: Provide participants with a solid foundation in epidemiology and its role in addressing public health challenges, with a specific focus on respiratory diseases.

Local Context Awareness: Familiarize participants with the unique healthcare landscape in Bangladesh, emphasizing the specific challenges and opportunities associated with respiratory disease studies.

Study Design Competence: Equip participants with the skills to design and implement epidemiological studies tailored to the context and resources of Bangladesh, ensuring feasibility and relevance.

Data Collection strategies: Train participants in various data collection methods relevant to respiratory diseases, emphasizing ethical considerations and practical challenges.

Hospital surveillance design: Facilitate a visit to the largest pediatric hospital in Bangladesh, allowing participants to interact with healthcare professionals, understand challenges in hospital-based surveillance, and gain insights into real-world scenarios.

Community Surveillance Exposure: Provide a day trip to rural communities for hands-on experience in community surveillance, highlighting the importance of grassroots data collection and community engagement.

Data Analysis Proficiency: Introduce participants to the basics of data analysis for epidemiological studies, ensuring they can interpret and draw meaningful insights from collected data.

Interactive Learning: Foster collaboration and networking among participants through group exercises, discussions, and a simulated data analysis exercise.

Course Reflections: Encourage participants to reflect on the workshop's learnings and their applicability, concluding with certificates to acknowledge their successful completion of the program.

Duration: 5 days
Location: CHRF-HQ, Shyamoli, Dhaka, Bangladesh
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Program Fee

25,000 BDT + 15% VAT. Scholarship recipients, supported by RESPIRE, will only need to pay a registration fee of 5,000 BDT + 15% VAT to confirm their spot