
Listen to the Story of Our 1st BSB Fellow

As I reflect on my journey as a Building Scientists for Bangladesh (BSB) Fellow at the Child Health Research Foundation (CHRF), it’s a story interwoven with threads of learning, growth, and a profound sense of belonging.


It all began with a 2-week training to become an “Infectious Disease Detective” at CHRF, a glimpse into the research labs at CHRF-HQ and Bangladesh Shishu Hospital. I got to perform hands-on laboratory experiments under Jaasia Apu’s supervision in a safe and controlled environment, setting the stage for an exciting journey ahead.


I officially became a part of this family on my graduation day, when Senjuti apu, Deputy Executive Director at CHRF, extended an invitation to join a science camp in Chandpur. I found myself immersed in the joy of the discovery of bacteria and DNA alongside children from the Bajapti Ramani Mohan High School. During the camp, I made new friends and realized the beauty of everyday science from the lens of the inquisitive kids there.


As I completed my A-level exams and contemplated a gap year, Senjuti apu gave me an opportunity that felt like destiny calling. Joining the Building Scientists for Bangladesh team at CHRF marked the beginning of a new chapter in my life. August 1st became more than just a date; it symbolized the start of literally my first job and a sense of purpose that resonated deeply within me.


While many of my peers struggled with the uncertainty of a gap year, I luckily got to continue learning everything from CHRF’s cutting-edge research to the art of communicating science to the masses. Each blog I wrote, designs I made, or CHRF’s first newsletter that I worked on was a stepping stone towards personal and professional growth.


But perhaps the greatest gift CHRF gave me was the unwavering support and mentorship that extended beyond the workplace - Sudipta da’s advice on what subject I should apply for in Oxford, Shafi and Additya bhaiya’s guidance on what skills I should work on, Oyshe apu and Atiya apu validating the social media posters I made, Jaasia apu asking me every day at 2 pm if I had lunch, and Nazifa apu writing me the most beautiful recommendation letter ever that got me into Brown University (+ a summer research internship at Sabanci University, Turkey).


As my tenure at CHRF draws to an end, I find myself grappling with a whirlwind of emotions. The thought of leaving behind a place that has become my second home evokes a sense of sadness, yet it is eclipsed by the anticipation of new beginnings.


From making me sing on stage for the 1st time to allowing me to present CHRF's achievements with pride during its 16th Anniversary, every moment spent at CHRF has been a testament to the organization's unwavering commitment to nurturing talent and fostering a sense of belonging. As I bid farewell to the most memorable chapter of my life, I carry with me a treasure trove of memories and experiences that have shaped the narrative of my future endeavors. Thank you, CHRF, for empowering me to reach new heights. Though my path may lead me to distant shores, the lessons learned and the bonds stitched at CHRF will forever remain close to my heart.